Friday, May 30, 2014

Virtual Pen Pal Doc Link

Virtual Pen Pal Document:

Weather Monitoring Data Sheets:

Friday, May 23, 2014

Website Evaluations

Hey guys, so I figured we should all put down which websites we will be evaluating since we each need to evaluate 3 and we cannot do the same websites. I was going to do one of my website evaluations on there is a whole section on weather and types of weather so I thought that would go with our topic. I am still looking for 2 more, but I think it will be helpful if we each post our websites!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Concept Map-Weather Monitoring

Hey group!

We are still trying to figure out how to add the concept map to this blog account. We need to discuss what each of us is going to write their lesson plan on because that is due next week. I am still trying to figure out how to work this blogger account. It's not that easy to do.

-Jenna Opferman

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Have we figured out how to get the concept map on our blog?